Easy Care Plants for Zone 9 Louisiana
Planning your activities and learning about your region's gardening seasons can help you be more efficient and productive, whether you are a professional gardener or a homeowner simply trying to keep your garden neat. If you want to start organizing your gardening activities, here is a monthly calendar of crucial tasks. Below we learn the Louisiana vegetable planting calendar, month-by-month Louisiana vegetable planting guide, seasonal gardening schedules for Louisiana vegetables, and the hardiness zones of Louisiana.

Louisiana vegetable planting calendar (LA)
When should you plant vegetables in Louisiana?
Louisiana produces vegetables year-round. When one crop has finished producing, it should be uprooted, the row(s) reworked, and another planted. For instance, planting peas, okra, or sweet potatoes requires reworking the area after Irish potatoes have been harvested in May or June. Planting bush snap beans, peas, or greens monthly or biweekly ensures a consistent supply.
You can stretch the period between harvests by planting early, mid-season, and late-maturing cultivars together. One can grow as little as a single tomato plant in a container or as much as several sq feet at home. Design a garden that's just big enough to satisfy your requirements without becoming a burden. Have a strategy in place. It's essential to put the garden in a sunny spot. It's ideal for getting between six and eight hours of sunshine daily.
Fruiting plants like tomatoes, peppers, and squash thrive in direct sunshine. Otherwise, the crops would have extremely poor yields due to the excessive shadow. However, leafy vegetables like lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, and others can endure more shadow than the root or fruit-bearing crops if that's all you have to work with regarding where to plant your garden.
What gardening zone is Louisiana?
Various "planting zones" are dispersed throughout the USA. Which plants do well in a given area and at a given time depends on the timing and positioning of these zones. Zones 8a-10a are suitable for planting in Louisiana. The warmest climate in Florida is found in the southern region near the Gulf of Mexico. You need to know what growing zone you'll be in before you start planning your Louisiana garden. Check Louisiana's growth zone ranges to learn when to plant fruits, vegetables, or flowers.
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Plant anywhere within the plant's safe growing range. In zone 8a, you can safely grow anything labeled for zones 1 through 8. Louisiana has a humid subtropical climate, typified by hot, protracted, very humid summers and relatively mild, short winters. This is due to the state's low latitude and flat topography, both of which contribute to the state's low elevation. Louisiana's planting zones shouldn't have too much variety. Because the Gulf of Mexico is hardly more than 200 miles away, its influence on the state's climate is substantial.
In this area, precipitation is constant throughout the year. However, the summers get a disproportionate amount of rain compared to the other seasons. In the tropics, summer's high temperatures trigger thunderstorms, producing the region's signature short but strong downpours. The winters in the southern part of the state tend to be warmer. In the north, temperatures rarely drop below freezing, averaging a comfortable 59 degrees. Hurricanes frequently impact this state.
Florida's tropical climate and significant yearly precipitation mean the state is home to many beautiful species of tropical flora and fauna. Choose plants that can withstand high temperatures and humidity for the best display and survival rate. Angelonia, the wishbone flower, blue daze, impatiens, pentas, coleus, begonias, and narrow-leaf zinnia are just a few of the many plants that do well there. Plant many types of eggplant, tomato, pepper, okra, and bean plants to ensure an abundant crop.
What can you plant in the winter in Louisiana?
You're losing out if you don't maintain your garden productive during the winter. A wide variety of vegetables, some of which can only be cultivated here during the chilly months of October through May, are available. Also, pests are less of an issue when the weather is cooler. Cool-season annual weeds keep growing even in the dead of winter, but we have fewer pest and disease issues overall. As a result, it's even more crucial to maintain regular mulch applications and quickly eliminate any weeds that can appear.
Cole was formerly the common name for cabbage. Today, we know it better than coleslaw. Cole crops include not just cabbage but also its relatives, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi, and collard greens. Planting broccoli and cauliflower thus late into the garden can result in unpredictable harvests. While broccoli and cauliflower plants are generally resistant, edible flower buds are susceptible to harm from very cold temperatures.
Only in the warmest parts of the state is it safe to plant transplants at this time of year. Transplants can be planted in January for harvest in the spring. In October and November, plant garlic cloves pointy-end down. One-quarter inch of soil should cover the garlic toe. Cloves should be planted in rows approximately 15 inches apart, with 4 inches between each clove. Root crops are also a great option when growing a vegetable garden in the chilly months.
Root vegetables should never be transplanted but sown directly into the garden to ensure the best possible growth. The seed's first visible sign of development is a little root, which will ultimately grow into the final fruit. Transplanting young plants often causes them to be injured, leading to a malformed root. Root vegetables should range in size from 3 to 4 inches: beets, radishes, turnips, carrots, and rutabagas. If you want a good stand, you should sow twice or thrice as many seeds per foot or row as you need.
You should thin them out as soon as the seeds germinate so they have enough room to grow. The planting season for many winter vegetables begins in November and continues into the spring. These include beets, cabbage, carrots, celery, Chinese cabbage, collards, endives, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, mustard, onions, peas (English and snow), radishes, rutabaga, shallots, Swiss chard, and turnips. Like thyme, sage, oregano, cilantro, French tarragon, rosemary, lavender, chives, dill, mints, and parsley are all hardy herbs that can be grown.
In case you missed it: Kansas Vegetable Planting Calendar (KS): Month Wise Guide for Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Zone 5, Zone 6, and Zone 7

What beans to grow in Louisiana?
Growing beans in your backyard garden is a breeze and can pay off handsomely. In Louisiana, you can produce a wide variety of beans, although lima beans and snap beans (also known as string beans) are the most prevalent. Both need to be planted immediately. As a result of these changes, the snap bean no longer resembles the Central American common bean at all. These plants produced edible seeds that were either dried or kept in their green husks for later use. Big-seeded lima beans originated in South America.
Lima, Peru's capital, inspired the bean's moniker. In Louisiana, lima beans can be sown twice a year, in the spring and the autumn. It's best to sow lima beans in the garden in the month of August. The limas can be further classified as pole limas or bush limas. A pole variety may take longer to mature than a bush variety, but it will produce more fruit and continue to do so for a longer time. The pole variety is the best option if you have limited room for your garden.
The name suggests that they should be grown with some support, like a pole or trellis, and that they will provide much fruit per square foot of garden space because of their vertical growth pattern. Beans are best produced from seed rather than transplants, so be sure you sow them outside. Plant in a sunny, well-drained, rich spot to get the best results.
Raising the level of the growing space by 8 to 10 inches will increase the area's drainage and air circulation. Growing beans successfully requires a pH range of between 5.8 and 6.8 for the soil. Space your rows of bush beans at least 3 feet apart. Set them down a quarter of an inch. After germination, thin limas and snap to 3 inches apart. Plant a mound of two or three beans for poles every 12 inches down the row. Spread out your rows by three to four feet.
Can you grow peas in Louisiana?
Southern peas, which include black-eyed, crowder, purple hull, and cream peas, are perhaps the first item that springs to mind when one considers cultivating peas in Louisiana. You can plant them from April through early August since they thrive in our hot summers. However, you can now experiment with growing green or "English" peas, edible-podded snow peas, and sugar snap peas.
This genus of peas is related to the southern peas and shares their need for chilly temperatures. Midway through September through the end of January is prime time for planting snow, green, and sugar snap peas.
What can I plant now in Louisiana?
Spring planting in Louisiana
Tomatoes, snap beans, mirliton, bell peppers, cucumbers, corn, and squash are all excellent examples of warm-season crops that may now be planted. Prevent damage to fragile veggies caused by a late freeze. Angelonia, zinnias, marigolds, blue haze, salvia, portulaca, pentas, celosia, purslane, Melampodium, and other warm-season bedding plants can now be planted. You should fertilize your roses and other bushes right now. Plant roses in pots and plants them in march.
When it's hot outside and plants actively grow, frequent watering becomes more vital if rain is scarce. Most care must be taken with new plants until their roots have established themselves. Apply lawn fertilizer or weed and feed to grass during the final week of March or the first week of April. Some great hot-season crops to sow in April are cucuzzi, cushaw, eggplant, peanuts, pumpkins, hot peppers, lima beans, Southern peas, luffa gourds, okra, and yard-long beans.
Keep sowing your seeds of squash, snap beans, and cucumbers, and planting seedlings of tomatoes and peppers. Quince, azalea, spirea, viburnum, camellia, jasmine, and fake orange are spring-flowering shrubs that can be pruned after they cease blooming. It's essential to look closely at your flower gardens in late April or early May to see how your cool-season bedding plants are doing.
You should dig them up and toss them in the compost after they've served their purpose. The next step is to prepare the bed and plant some warm-season bedding plants. Cucuzzi, eggplant, Malabar spinach, cushaw, Amaranth, cantaloupe, edible soybean, peanuts, Southern peas, hot peppers, pumpkin, lima beans, mirliton, sweet potato, luffa gourd, okra, watermelon, and yard-long beans are all fantastic hot-weather veggies that can be grown right now in May.
After the blooming period of Louisiana irises, agapanthus, and amaryllis have ended, remove the forming seed pods. Before it gets too hot, early May is the final time to apply broadleaf weed killers and weed-and-feed treatments to the grass. In the flower industry, May is a very active month. Beds need to be emptied of fading cool-season annuals and replaced with summer-blooming warm-season annuals.
Fall gardening in Louisiana
In Louisiana, the months of August and September are pivotal for a successful autumn garden. Planting times for tomatoes, pumpkins, peas, and okra, which take longer to mature, should be moved forward by a month or two. It can still be rather warm and dry in early October in Louisiana. These two factors may prevent blossoms from developing into fruit. We can overcome one of these constraints by paying closer attention to our fall soil, transplanting a bit deeper, and utilizing organic mulch to preserve that moisture and shade the soil.
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Insects are a further difficulty in the autumn garden. Extreme caterpillar pressure late in the season may ruin certain crops, like sweet corn, making them unsuitable for autumn. Organic and non-pesticide growers have fewer control options this season. Pick crops that will yield effectively within this little time frame since timing is crucial with the autumn harvest. To guarantee a harvest before frost, seek fast-maturing, determinate or bush-type varieties.
Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are heat-loving plants that can be planted in early July in the southern portion of Louisiana, provided the soil is warm enough. Because autumn frost arrives sooner in the north, our growing season there will be reduced by two to three weeks. Shorter-season warm-season vegetable kinds and cool-season crops are the best options for northern parishes in the fall.
Turnips, sweet corn, mustard, Irish potatoes, summer squash, southern peas, cucumber, collards, cabbage, brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beets, bush snap beans, kale, kohlrabi, and bush butter beans are just some of the crops to sow in August. Transplant green shallots and cauliflower in August. Seeding head lettuce and transplanting broccoli and Brussels sprouts are both possible in North Louisiana.
You can plant seeds for leafy greens, herbs, and onions in September. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts transplants can also be planted at this time. Root vegetables, kohlrabi, greens, and loose-head lettuce are good options for the last autumn plantings in October. It's also OK to throw away any remaining garlic or shallots.
As autumn approaches, leafy crops flourish. Swiss chard, collard greens, spinach, mustard greens, turnip greens, and lettuce are all popular vegetables. Greens like endive, escarole, kale, arugula, and mesclun mix thrive in the colder months of Louisiana. Chinese cabbage and cabbage are two more valuable green vegetables.
Summer gardening in Louisiana
Tomatoes that can withstand high temperatures should be planted in mid-June for harvest in the summer. Heat-set tomatoes are crucial to plant. These varieties were developed to produce fruit even when temperatures drop below freezing at night. If cared for properly, heat-set tomatoes can continue to bear fruit into October. Florida 91, Sun Master, Solar set, Phoenix, and more variants rank high on the list. Tomatoes that need heat to ripen well can be replanted in late July for a second harvest in the autumn.
Cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupes, okra, southern peas, pumpkins, and summer squash can be straight into the garden in June. You can also plant pepper seeds and sweet potato slips in June. Tomatoes and bell peppers that can withstand high temperatures should be planted in the summertime to harvest in the autumn. Sow seeds for okra, southern peas, squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe, pumpkins, and watermelons throughout July. Plant your pumpkins in early to mid-July for a Halloween crop.
Planning your autumn garden in late July or early August is recommended. Place an order for seeds of various brassica vegetables. The seeds should be started in early August in seedling trays for planting in early September. These plants can be grown outside without needing a greenhouse at this time of year. Nonetheless, you must water your plants every day. Planting seeds for cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, and cabbage and then transferring them into the garden requires at least five to six weeks.
Bush lima and snap beans should be planted in the garden this month. Seed trays of Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, squash, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, mustard greens, and shallot sets can all be planted in September to give you a head start on your fall garden. Mid-August is when to grow broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Seeds of lettuce, beets, and Irish potatoes should now be planted in northern Louisiana. Gardeners in south Louisiana can sow beet and Irish potato seeds in the ground and start lettuce seeds indoors in late August.
Winter gardening in Louisiana
Vegetables are abundant, including those that can only be grown here in the cooler months of October through May. Moreover, pests are less of a problem in chilly weather. Although we have fewer insect and disease problems, cool-season annual weeds remain growing throughout the winter. This highlights the need for consistent mulch treatments and prompt weed control. Broccoli and cauliflower planted thus late in the growing season can have unreliable yields.
While broccoli and cauliflower are hardy plants, edible flower buds are vulnerable to damage from very cold temperatures. Transplants can only be planted this year in the state's warmer regions. Planting seedlings in January allows for a springtime crop. Garlic cloves should be planted in the ground, pointed end down, during the months of October and November. The soil level should be about a quarter inch above the garlic toe. Plant cloves in rows spaced about 15 inches apart, leaving space between each clove for about 4 inches.
Root vegetables are another excellent choice for a winter food garden. Root vegetables, for example, should never be transplanted but rather seeded directly into the soil for optimal development. A little root is the first outward evidence of growth from a seed, and this growth will eventually result in the final product. You risk damaging the tender root system whenever you transplant a young plant, which might cause the root to develop abnormally.
Be sure your beets, radishes, turnips, carrots, and rutabagas are between 3 and 4 inches long. To ensure a healthy stand, plant three times as many seeds per foot or row as you anticipate needing. The seeds need to be thinned out as soon as they germinate to have space to develop. Many kinds of winter vegetables can be planted starting in November and going through March.
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Vegetables including beets, cabbage, kohlrabi, leeks, carrots, celery, collards, endives, Chinese cabbage, garlic, kale, lettuce, mustard greens, radishes, onions, peas (English and snow), rutabaga, shallots, Swiss chard, and turnips are all in this category. Hardy herbs may be cultivated; some examples are thyme, chives, dill, sage, French tarragon, rosemary, oregano, cilantro, lavender, mints, and parsley.
Louisiana vegetable planting calendar
Vegetables | Zone 8 | Zone 9 |
Beans | Mid Mar to mid-Oct | Mid Feb to May, Sep to Nov |
Beets | Mid Feb to mid-May, mid-Aug to mid-Nov | Feb to Apr, mid Sep to Nov |
Broccoli | Feb to mid-May, Aug to Nov | Mid Jan to Apr, mid aug to mid dec |
Brussel Sprouts | Apr to Aug | Mar to Jun |
Cabbage | Mid Feb to May, Aug to mid-Nov | Feb to mid-May, Sep to mid-Dec |
Carrots | Mid Feb to May, mid-Aug to mid-Nov | Mid Feb to may, mid Sep to mid dec |
Cauliflowers | Feb to mid-May, mid-Aug to Nov | Feb to mid-May, Sep to mid-Dec |
Corn | Mid Apr to Aug | Mid Feb to May, mid-Aug to Nov |
Cucumber | Mid Apr to Aug | Mid Feb to May, mid-Aug to Nov |
Kale | Mid Feb to mid-May, mid-Aug to mid-Nov | Oct to Dec |
Lettuce | Mid Feb to May, mid-Aug to mid-Nov | Mid Jan to Apr, mid-Sep to mid-Dec |
Onions | Mid Feb to Aug | March to May |
Peas | Mid Feb to mid-May, Sep to mid-Nov | Jan to march, Oct to mid-Dec |
Peppers | Mid Feb to mid-Sep | Jan to May, mid-July to Nov |
Spinach | Mid Feb to May, Sep to Nov | Mid Jan to Apr, mid-Sep to mid-Dec |
Squash | Mid Apr to mid-Oct | Mar to Jun |
Tomato | Mid Feb to mid-Sep | Jan to May, mid-July to Nov |
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After you've put in the initial effort of planting, you'll want to set aside at least an hour or two every week to tend to your new garden. New vegetable gardens need fertilizer, water, and thinning. Learn proper vegetable storage techniques to extend the harvest's usefulness. Make careful to keep track of your garden's successes and failures so that you can make adjustments before next spring.
If you live in the following towns, cities, and counties of Louisiana (LA) of Zone 8, and Zone 9 in the United States, this article may help understand the vegetable planting calendar and a month-wise chart along with planting seasons.
New Orleans | Marrero |
Baton Rouge | Breaux Bridge |
Bossier City | Prairieville |
Shreveport | Morgan City |
Lafayette | Marksville |
Lake Charles | Carencro |
Houma | Rayville |
Slidell | Winnfield |
West Monroe | Haughton |
Metairie | Chalmette |
Ruston | Plaquemine |
Sulphur | Ville Platte |
Natchitoches | Port Allen |
Mandeville | Harahan |
Gonzales | Saint Francisville |
Kenner | Belle Chasse |
Opelousas | Saint Martinville |
New Iberia | Donaldsonville |
Leesville | Westwego |
Denham Springs | Lacombe |
Thibodaux | Moss Bluff |
DeRidder | Central Louisiana |
Bogalusa | North Louisiana |
Broussard | Eastern Louisiana |
Gretna | Western Louisiana |
Amite City | South Louisiana |
Ponchatoula |
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Source: https://www.asiafarming.com/louisiana-vegetable-planting-calendar-la-month-wise-garden-guide-for-fall-winter-spring-summer-zone-8-and-zone-9
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